/ Histone type: H3

H3 is one of the core histones. Two H3 and two H4 histones form H3-H4 tetramer via "hand shake" and "four helix bundle" motifs. Two H2A-H2B dimers then associate with H3-H4 tetramer to form complete nucleosome core. Structurally H3 has a histone fold domain, αN-helix and a long N-terminal tail with many important post-translational modification sites. The αN-helix organizes the terminal segment of core nucleosomal DNA.
Keys: red - identical residues, blue - different residues (if more than one sequence). For feature legend see summary tab.
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Features characteristic for a given histone type/variant are marked below the consensus sequence. For feature description see summary tabs of the corresponding variants pages.
Keys: red - 80% identical, blue - 50% identical columns. X-ambigous positions in consensus sequence.